is a community created to help answer some of today’s most questionable areas in life. Beth Fortman-Brand, a highly skilled Intuitive Strategist, Medium and Author, shares powerful insights in order to assist individuals in successfully navigating many of life’s personal and professional challenges.


Research shows reality is created by how a person thinks, feels, and acts. Often YOU may find YOUR life filled with drama. It's like a swirling, chaotic energy filled with changing circumstances and people. If YOU step back from YOUR life for a moment, YOU would recognize that the only constant in the middle of the circle of chaos and drama is YOU!

YOU are at the center of YOUR own experience. Your reality is determined by how YOU relate to the life YOU created.

Because YOU are in constant relationship with YOURSELF, every relationship YOU have with people and situations stems directly from YOUR relationship with YOURSELF.


The Great News is that means YOU are not a victim of circumstance. YOU don't have to count on someone else to eliminate the drama.

YOU have the solution because YOU ARE the solution!






If we "Bless Our Children" the whole world will be blessed. is an on-line store that combines the fun of customizing your own products with the pleasure of being charitable.

B.O.C. is an inspiration that sprung from the desire to make a difference in the world.

Our intention is to provide a joyful experience while making a difference!!

"Shop and Make a Difference "


  1. How can I stop my negative thoughts from running
    my life?

  2. I am always so worried something bad is going to happen.

  3. I feel so bad about my body!

  4. Why do I always feel so lonely?

  5. How come I always feel broke and what can I do to change that?
Beth Fortman-Brand's
The Power of Love,
Living From Our Hearts

is on sale now!

Click here....
To order your copy and begin to live a life filled with THE POWER OF LOVE!

Beth Fortman-Brand's
Navigating The Storm,
7 Truths To Mastering Our Lives

is on sale now!

Available at, and



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